Love Your Life With Children

Nurture enjoyment of your children through articles, posts, parent-child classes, and coaching with early childhood expert Faith Collins

Faith’s Book
There’s no question this is one of the very best books on parenting kids who aren’t babies anymore but haven’t yet hit their tweens.
Golden Gate Mothers Group Magazine
Many parenting books lead the reader to think: “I know all this already” or, “The author obviously doesn’t know MY child.” Not this book. It is a new and exciting approach to early childhood, and you will recognize yourself and your child in every page.
Lawrence J. Cohen, PhD, Playful Parenting and The Opposite of Worry.
Rare and precious! A sure companion as you build a secure base from which your child can launch out into the world with confidence and resilience. Most of all, it will likely leave you feeling, “Yes, I can do this.”
Kim John Payne, Simplicity Parenting and The Soul of Discipline.
Talks & Workshops

Would you like to bring me to your group? I’m available live, or by Zoom for:
- Conference Keynotes
- Workshops
- Staff Trainings
- Parent Evenings